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^V^ My samgang blog has been hacked , u guys can pay a visit 2 my new blog @ ^V^
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
^V^ Real Story , 50 lots of Genting SP @ 0.48 giving u one free 2.4 camry ^V^
2 all, touch on genting sp again, I hv badminton game yesterday , my badminton friend ( name KK , ha ha he is one of my fan here,he must be reading my postiong now ), he told me from day one he 4low me on genting sp @0.48+ , he never sell even a lot, 50 lots still holding in hand ! n he told me that his paper gain oledi reached 1 FREE 2.4 CAMRY ! 1.60 x 50lots x 2.35 = 188K+ ma ma me yaaaaa.... feel happy 4 him ^_^
FYI, my initial tp 4 genting sp was 100 lots , but I queued too low, i queued there @0.43 ,
bloody hell..i couldnt get any, after that she shot up 2 1.30+...then fall back to 0.85+... I bot in 20 lots @ 0.88 n sold all @ 1.30+... not much profit as compared 2 KK ?...u happy lah, remember 2 belanja me 2 universal studio..boleh ? ha ha d gps location 4 d said yummy food, gd ideal ^_-
2 Jason, good appearance doesnt mean handsome but look great n fresh ^_-
as can be seen..???? counters r coming, look at CCCCCC, SSSSSS.... hold 4 XXZXZX ^_-
2 G ten, d contribution of EEEE hk is very minimum 2 MMMMMM , u shld focus more on NNNNNN n RRRRR, cos these 2 contributed quite alot 2 CCCCCCC, CCCCC = HOLD !
Wowww..Under d comments, I can see mike loser also asking me about xxxx ? halo mike loser lee, i heard u said sam is conman wat, why asked me what is XXXX ? ha ha yr tak ada akal method does not work meh ? ha ha
Friday, July 23, 2010
^V^ Samgoss FA methodology n My sweet days in osk forum 2003 ^V^
First of all, I need to thanks Dr Tanhin for his excellent translation ^_-
thanks a lot ^_^
See d attachment , in year 2003, that was d forum I spent most of my times there ^_- having fun with those TA losers like chinyk, pussylover ,spt188, aldi , pricechart, maxforce, mike LOSER,samegang, darlie singh n....where they gone now ? gone with d wind liaooo ?? ha ha
n oso, u can see there r so many OSK forum members asking me to put them in my mailing list , they hv been with me 4 almost 10 years , all these r my loyal fans , they know me better than anyone else , they hv seen my track records , that's y Samgoss can still stand high n shout loud after so many years in blogger world !
星期五, 四月 18, 2008
SAMGOSS再谈一些些关于PE :
有人说高本益比表示这公司前景很好,这样说表示他只知道低本益比是股价/每股净利,而不是一百巴仙了解什麽是低本益比的优势。 Repco 在1993年的全盛时期,以 〉100 的本益比交易,告诉我它有何美好前景?大多数的中国股票都在 〉60 买卖时,不觉得已经超价了吗?泡沫形成了吗?还是觉得中国公司以及他们的warrant 都有高前景,高盈利保障。
低本益比股项要飚升就要看未来盈利。如未来盈利保持,你会有温和的回酬 ,但肯定好过定存。要是盈利超越预期的突飞猛进,回酬将是惊人的。但是如你预测的盈利变成亏损,低本益比也会死翘翘(如MEGAN).
但是高本益比股项会死得更难看,因为你在顶价买入!既然盈利预测错误,两者都会死,为何要选择高本益比的呢?想一想,你以为你在买卖美国股?你在买Coca-Cola 还是 Wallmart?即使Wallmart的本益比〉50 也已不值得买入。
给你一个典型的例子:GREEN PACKET
那些在RM 4.50以听谣言投机买进的人其实是以44 的本益比(要命的超高)买入 ,但谣言成谎言后,最新的盈利又跌,它的股价就跌,跌,跌跌不休到今天RM 2.28 左右。你看,买进高本益比是多麽糟的事。即使在2。28 ,PE 还是17,比起单位数PE的 Liondiv 及 Mahshing,还不算便宜。
我们可以理性的预测来年的PE 会更低。这里只是举例说明,不是建议买卖。
Masteel at 1.45(18/4/2008)
前年(2006)每股净利= 22.56cents 本益比 = 145/22.56 = 6.42
去年(2007)如果只算三个季的每股净利= 4.97+10.79+8.04=23.08 cents
本益比已经有145/23.08 = 6.28
好过2006 整年,而这只是三个季报而已,还有一季没算,这样我们就能预测masteel2007年的本益比会低于2006年。而果然如此,第四季有8.42 cents,所以
去年(2007)每股净利= 31.50 cents 本益比= 145/31.50 = 4.6
也许你要等到市场大崩盘,PBB , PPB, Maybank, IOIcorp, YTL, Genting , Digi ,SD , IJM , KNM ,Resorts..这些蓝筹股都跌到本益比 < 10, 而你有机会买进,才能真正了解低本益比的好处。
Posted by 陈全兴 at 12:26 下午 0 comments Links to this post 通过电子邮件发送BlogThis!共享给 Twitter共享给 Facebook共享给 Google Buzz
Labels: SAMGOSS的精彩投资
星期三, 四月 16, 2008
循丛要求,SAMGOSS 建议。
Hi Sifu Sam,
想问的是:当你买进一支股时, 除了本益比,你还有用其他指标或讯息吗?
2) 除了死亡,这世间没有“肯定”的事。但买入低本益比的股票,特别是蓝筹股却肯定能降低亏损的风险及提高获利的潜能。如果这些股项能够经历了911 恐怖袭击,1987 黑色星期一,1998 东南亚金融风暴这些阻碍,挂牌五十年后还竖立不倒,这证明了它们基本面超强,管理良好。
3) 当然,如果未来盈利不能持续,买进低本益比或盈利记录良好的股票是不能保证一定投资获利;但如果买进低本益比都不能保证赚钱,那高本益比的股票呢?能够吗?
在我买入任何股票前,低本益比是我的第一个考量,之后我会审查过去的盈利报告来预测未来的盈利 。
基本上我不会买入本益比 〉15 的二三线股或本益比 〉20 的蓝筹股。
让我们做个比较:低本益比 = 受过教育的人,高本益比 = 没受过教育的人,这里没看轻人的意思。
Posted by 陈全兴 at 12:29 下午 1 comments Links to this post 通过电子邮件发送BlogThis!共享给 Twitter共享给 Facebook共享给 Google Buzz
Labels: SAMGOSS的精彩投资
星期日, 四月 13, 2008
SAMGOSS 的天时,地利,人和
今天我要介绍SAMGOSS的天时,地利,人和,看得懂英文的最好去股海沉浮 之 万人皆醉 我独醒这里看。
SAMGOSS 要我提醒大家要学习他的方法,一定要坚守两个原则:
1) 不能CONTRA((即是不要想在T+3内卖出)。
2) 一定要有持票能力。
孙子兵法说 :要彻底赢得战役,你必须要有
地利 及
每个人都知道什麽是: 天时,地利,人和。
什麽是地利呢?地利就是你能控制的基本面,如盈利成长良好,涉及的领域大丰收等,买入本益比(PE)<10>50 是你的选择,你的决定。
平均 25
> 25 太贵了
~ 20 可以考虑
平均 15
>18 太贵了
三者之中,他认为地利或基本面(FA)最为重要,如你拥有有地利的股票,短期内你可能无法获利,但长期而言,你会获得你应得的回报,这些股票的例子有 PPB ,PBB,YTL ,IOI, Maybank 及 Genting 等等。
有天時及人和, 但缺少地利的股其实是以投机或听谣言买入,偶而会获利,但更多时候你将不能得到你想要的,而且会亏损。
如你要玩短线,你需要天時及人和,当然还有运气,但如果你要以有限的资金安全及平稳的获取最大的利益,你需要三者皆在, 如果天时及人和都没善待你,你还有地利的支持 。
大马股市(KLSE)在现阶段是严重缺乏天时及人和, 如你现在买入,你需要最少持票几个月,而且在熊市中的获利也是很有限的 (广东人说的;你赢,赢一粒糖,你输,就输一间厂 )。
永远记得投资要顺风而行, 天时与人和同在时,买进有地利(FA)的股就如顺水推舟,顺风顺水,大富大贵。
地利的股适合玩长期。 SAMGOSS的经验是现在地利股长期虽然可以赚钱,但你有需要付出长期持股,资金被绑,错失其他买入良机的代价吗?先卖出,以后才买回不是更好吗 ?虽然我们并不知道那里是最低点,但在熊市,肯定有机会在更低价买回。
Posted by 陈全兴 at 1:14 上午 11 comments Links to this post 通过电子邮件发送BlogThis!共享给 Twitter共享给 Facebook共享给 Google Buzz
Labels: SAMGOSS的精彩投资
星期五, 四月 04, 2008
SAMGOSS 的股海沉浮 之 万人皆醉 我独醒
那网上写blog的/短讯的/论坛发表的/报章分析的/skype/msn/messenges上说的内幕/chatbox里吹棒的,大多数都是股价起了才说已买进,跌了就赶快说早已在高价套利卖出,一点说服力都没有,都只是在我说你听。更多的是要误导你盲从买入,推高价好让他出货。所以我并不鼓励新手游览太多的blog 或论坛,也不要上太多msn/skype/messenges听信太多tips/谣言,这些对投资是百害而无一利的。
当然是有一些call before hand buy 的例子,但中文论坛的人都知道佳礼发生的不辛遭遇,而我看到的几个,除了糊涂版主成绩不错外,其他的不是亏损到消声灭迹,就是惨淡经营,好久好久都不update blog或写过的帖子。
虽然我中文读得比英文多,又好,但工作关系,先接触英文网站,因此很久以前就知道这个osk 风云人物SAMGOSS(常被称Uncle Sam,但看起来很年轻),可惜我一个无名无性的小人物,实在没有交会的机缘。
网站是股海沉浮 之 万人皆醉 我独醒
Posted by 陈全兴 at 10:22 上午 3 comments Links to this post 通过电子邮件发送BlogThis!共享给 Twitter共享给 Facebook共享给 Google Buzz
Labels: SAMGOSS的精彩投资
Monday, April 19, 2010
^V^ Citi $$$$$ > 200% returns ! My sweet home staring at Citibank ^V^
Good day 2 all, esp those sour ta losers ^_- yes new posting is up, still d same old objective , make u guys more sour n fras ^_-
Today posting is " > 200% or RM120K+ returns from citi with average capital of RM40K+ since Sep 2009 !!! ( if u r sour n doubt, check d cost of my first citi entry lol , link is there 4 u 2 see ) Wowww how u like that ta losers ? ^_- uncle sam backhand again ?ha ha then read d below link lol :-
2 make u more sour , see d attached picture, which one is uncle sam's house ? d one right in d middle ? or d one on d left ? ha ha...
FYI, Citibank has just opened a new branch near my house , just 500m+ away from my view ^_- every night when I take my rest @ balcony , d first scenery that captured my eyes sight is citibank logo , waaaa....what a feeling !!! u can hv a cup of volka while staring at yr sweet darling (citibank ) ... how wonderful was that ^_-
Sour Mr highgain /chinyk/ezi/mikeloser/max/kaichiew/pricechart/spt188/ezi ?? how u like that ? ^_-
I hv rec'd emails from my fans saying ta losers esp highgain r trying 2 promote my private blog ^_- ha ha..thanks dudes, thanks 4 yr free publicity worrrrr ^_- I dont need 2 pay a cts still ppl willing 2 work 4 me ! million thanks ^_^
Ha ha some email stated as below :-
......Or he may close down altogether. No more US$38 per person. If he reads this, he will surely run to his lawyer sister for advice.....he is unlikely to forgo easy money.
Ha ha hg oh hg , u r such a sour loser ! first , am I that desperate 4 that money ? ha ha...I am a finacial free man liaooo ( uncle sam bluffing one ) ...d money that I made from blog is 4 self satisfaction ^_- or I take it as added bonus ^_-
Dont subscribe ? well... I lose nothing, is not my loss at all ^_- as I said, u dont 4low me , is yr loss not mine ^_-
U said , only fool will subscribe 2 my blog, ha ha ha really ? perhaps u should ask yrself y u subscribed 2 me b4 u kena removed from my blog ! is that fool referring 2 u ? ^_- ha ha jgn marah yah ?
One more stuff, as can be seen in d picture, that citibank is located in Taman Tun Hussein Onn Cheras , so u guys shld know where I am staying ^_- come come come, come n whack me now ^_-..ha ha dont fall in my trap worrr ,dont kill d wrong guy ! as known 2 u uncle sam is tai chek kong , I am a broke man , where got money 2 stay in such big bungalow ?? it might be a trap ha ha ha .
Wowwww , Bstead drop below 3.60 liaoooo how now ? what is yr TA call ? buy or sell ?? come come come ? anyone dare 2 give his ta call here ? cut loss ?? ha ha
talk a little bit about ta , show u guys one good example y i said ta is tak ada akal method , look at d attached pictures Muhibbah n bstead, there is one ta joker called 4 buy on bstead @ 3.74 n Muhibbah @ 1.11 ,
Wowww break out worr..must buy ! sure up one !!! .tak ada akal method said buy ! sure up one ! ha ha ha..can someone tell me how much is muhibbah n bstead now ? ha ha break out !?? break yr head ! how now ta losers ? cut loss ???
Wanna 2 know my FA views on d above stocks ? ha ha...
Oledi explained it in my private blog ^_-
Yes... almost 4got 2 tell this >
this is what I hv posted last week about my view on KLSE :-
March 29th, 2010 on 11:15 am edit
Talk a litlle bit on XXXX , as u can see O N G stocks r moving today , XXXX will surely come $$$$$, it is only matter of time , though I know mkt is damn positive n on its way up , but still I refuse 2 come out with extra money 4 share purchases , I am adopting swap , d money n gain from gopeng that i sold d other days r now in standby mode 2 buy in ynhproperty @ 1.55 n XXXX@ 1.86.
d more mkt goes up in april d more u must beware of “sell in may n go away ” factor.
See ? backhand or forehand ?
2 all, let take a look @ all my portfolio as at 12 /4/2010, d below holding n realized P/L r from Oct 2009 to April 2010.
Besides ??? @3.71 ,
as at todate ,
7 lots citi @ usd 3.10 ( up 50% ,sold 2 lots @ 4.15)
20 lots Favco @ 0.75 (Up 36%, Sold 10 lots @ avg 0.985 )
40 lots of Leader @ 0.75 + ( up 35% , sold 20 lots @ avg 0.99 )
20 lots Success @ 1.19 ( Up 20% ,swap from TAS , sold 10 lots @ 1.38 )
50 lots of rcecap @ 0.61 ( up 20 %,sold 20 lots @ 0.70 )
40 lots Perisai @ 0.55 ( up 15% sold all @ avg 0.595 )
10 lots of gopeng @ 0.74 ( up 33% , sold all @ 0.95 _
40 lots of Pantech @ 0.89 ( up 13%, no buy n sell )
75 lots @ 0.68 Tgoffwa ( sold 55 lots @ avg 0.99 , bal 20lots )
20 lots AAA @1.53 ( Up 13% , sold 5 lots @ 1.72 )
11 lots BBB @ 1.03 ( Up 15% )
20 lots CCC @ 0.45 ( sold 40 lots @ 0.53 , n buy back 20lots )
200 lots DDD @0.115+ (Flat )
40 lots EEE @ 0.58 ( down 17% )
40 lots kfima @ 0.66+ ( sold all @ avg 0.86+ )
20 lots FFF @0.68 ( down 5% )
20 lots Faber @ 1.05+ ( up 35 % , sold all @ 1.35 )
10 lots of GGG @1.87 ( up 5% )
20 lots of Tas @ 0.76 , swap to success @1.19
Total realized nett gain stood @ 55,536.00+- , the bigger contributor for this gain came from citi which contributed > 50% of my total realised profit , so mr ezi , still remember what u said about citi in seng blog ? who is stupid now ? u or me ? ha ha
EZI called 4 run 4 yr life on citi :-
Total unrealised profit is now stood at RM 35,420+_, once again , I hv to thanks citi for its big contribution ^_-
My average capital from month of sep till todate is ard 180K+- , total profit (unrealized + realized profit ) = 55K+ 35K = 90K , 90K/ 180K x 100%= 50% returns within 6 months ! not a fantastic one but definitely a good one if u compared to d rise of KLSE IN TERM OF % ^_-
If u add up the profit that I made from Jan 2009 to Sep 2009 , then I can tell u that my ROE is way above 130% , once again , I hv to thanks citi for its contribution , check my old posting , see how much I hv made from citi since Sep 2008 ? ^_-
Break down , 19 picks , 14 strike , 2 flat n 3 loss ^_- success rate 85% , how u like my FA ?
sour ta losers ??
Jgn marah yah ??
I always stressed there, buy n keep 4 long term , but if u look at my average holding period , most of my stocks delivered within 2.5 months +- , then Y i put there buy n keep 4 long term ? well.. tak lain tak bukan it is bcos of "I am not god" . there r lot of unforeseen incident that I could not anticipated , hence 4 safe play n cover my backside , i put there buy n keep with patience..
2 be a successful FA investor , it is not necessary 2 keep yr stocks for long term , once u think it has reached yr tp , take profit n stay aside 4 next opportunity. 2 define FA investor from speculator is depends on how u pick stocks ? what method u use for yr stock selection ? of course tak ada akal method is definitely not in my list at all !
Lots of ta losers out there r waiting 4 my fall , they r waiting eagerly 4 my holland calls , they r also waiting 2 see when uncle sam going to holland ? THEY HV BEEN WAITING FOR ALL THESE SINCE 2002 ^_-, sad 2 say uncle sam is still standing high n proud here in blog world ^_- am I not correct ? chinyk. spt188, pricechart, darlie singh , kai chiew, mike loser, highgain , maxforce ???
sound very lansi ? ha ha yes I am , I am lansi only when I deal with ta losers , same old saying:0
Among all d FA bloggers, I am d LOUSIEST !
Among all d TA losers, I am GENIUS !
D below is what TA loser ezi from cow beh blog commented on citi, ha ha u can see how shallow this ta loser ezi was :-
29/07/09 16:45
mydreamgetgold: but the 500% is like farking safe
29/07/09 16:45
ezi: fark, in 3 years time citi may dissapear who knows?
29/07/09 16:44
cycle: a big mess
29/07/09 16:44
random: those wanting to sai lang into this is making a mistake
29/07/09 16:44
mydreamgetgold: the question is .. there r so many beaten dn stock why choose citi
29/07/09 16:44
ezi: he said he will get a big house in 3 years time with citi gamble
29/07/09 16:44
cycle: ezi, not possible to calculate funda...
29/07/09 16:44
cycle: so, might see some weakness.....
29/07/09 16:44
ezi: I wonder how he calculate this citi fundamental
29/07/09 16:43
cycle: after conversion
29/07/09 16:43
cycle: but then again, those holding preferred stocks could be planning to sell
29/07/09 16:43
ezi: and he also ask his followers to gamble
29/07/09 16:43
random: or maybe he din know
29/07/09 16:43
random: he din tell before there was a shitload of preferred shares waiting to dilute earnings
29/07/09 16:42
random: actually best time is after finishing the conversion
29/07/09 16:42
ezi: exactly, he is gambling
29/07/09 16:42
ezi: He is farking lucky that it did not end up in bankruptcy
29/07/09 16:42
random: ya calculated bet
29/07/09 16:42
random: its a bet
29/07/09 16:42
random: no fundamental
29/07/09 16:42
cycle: calculated gamble...
29/07/09 16:42
random: if u see them selling assets like AIG then time to cabut
29/07/09 16:41
ezi: Yet he said he will still buy. I wonder what farking fundamental he is basing
29/07/09 16:41
random: citi sans US is water liu liu
29/07/09 16:41
cycle: but i think the downside risk at this level is low....
29/07/09 16:41
cycle: citi in asia making good profits
29/07/09 16:41
random: its a gamble la
29/07/09 16:41
ezi: It was a sell down stock, where got fundamental?
29/07/09 16:41
cycle: the only reason it has value is becoz the gov is not letting it die and its iconic brand
29/07/09 16:41
random: much like AIG
29/07/09 16:41
random: only citi US is like shit
29/07/09 16:40
random: actually citi asia assets are very valuable
29/07/09 16:40
cycle: hahaham citi has no fundamentals at the moment...very true
29/07/09 16:40
ezi: this farker is a hypocrite
29/07/09 16:40
ezi: cycle, this farker talks about fundamendal stock, yet he buy this citi, when most of the FFM ask to sell
Hello kids , never too late 2 know yr FA is so damn shallow ^_^ , is that what u learned from yr sifu seng ? really an eye open lar ... salute 2 u guys ^_-
Haloooo... kids, pls take a look at my realised profit of citi n aig , realised profit of RM 47K is more than enuf 2 cover all my US holding if u come 2 tell me citi n aig r going 2 be delisted 2molo ! ha ha ..fras n hurt seeing all these ? sorry lol ^_- btw, d above lough picture is dedicated 2 all of u in kid's blog ^_-
Guys, if u r observant enuf , citi always hang around btwn d range of 2.60 to 3.80 _ , if u hv few lots in hand like me , my advice is ,sell 1/3 of yr citi @ @ 3.80+- n buy back @ < 3.00 like what I did in portfolio. try it..u may make big $$$$$$ from this ding dong swing.
As 4 KLSE stocks , my view is still d same , it is not time 2 buy in now, leave some 4 further rise n keep those profit bullets 4 pull back.
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